North Sea Lay-Ups Closing in on 100 Vessels

The number of offshore vessels laid-up in the North Sea now stands at 93 and it seems new vessels are being stacked almost daily, according to data by Westshore Shipbrokers.

 According to the firm, there are currently 93 total vessels laid up at ports in the UK and Norway. The list is comprised of 26 anchor handling tugs (AHTSs), 63 platform supply vessels (PSVs), and four multi-purpose supply vessel (MPSVs).

So far in November, eleven vessels have been added to the list, including 6 AHTSs and 5 PSVs. The latest vessels to be laid up are the AHTSs Olympic Octopus and Olympic Poseidon and the PSV FS Taurus.

The lay-ups come amid the prolonged slump in oil prices that has weakened the offshore market across the globe.